PROTECTED LANDSCAPE AREA OF THE BESKYDY MTS was declared in 1973. It covers a total area of 1160 m2 and is situated not only in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts., but also in a part of the Javorníky Mts. and the Vsetínské Hills. The total area is predominantly formed by flysch rocks, which model rounded crests, put in succession, and slowly passing to the gently shaped foothills. Nowadays the territory is strongly forested by the secondary spruce woods, but the valuable remains of natural virgin forest were preserved. Piedmont meadows with the scarce flora – mainly in the area of the Vsetínské Hills are also of a high value. In the Beskydy Mts. the lynx, a carnivore very rare in the Czech Republic, occurs. A series of small folk buildings has been preserved and particularly the Wallachian open-air museum in the town of Rožnov under Radhošt´ is worth seeing.
Pustevny represents the most important mountainous resort of the Beskydy Mts., which was already in the 18th century inhabited by pilgrims. Meals are offered in the Tanečnice hotel, and the restaurants Pustevenka and Sokolka. The buildings of Libušín and Maměnka with elements of the local folk architecture date back to the year of 1898 and were built according to the project of a famous architect Dušan Jurkovič. An old-time Wallachian bell tower and a lookout summerhouse of Cyrilka belong to the tourist dominants. A hike on the Radhošť Mount is suitable even for easy tourists.
The Radhošť Mount is a symbolic mount woven by many legends with the most spectacular view of the Beskydy Mts. This is maybe a reason why one of the foundation stones of the National Theatre comes from here. A massive stone chapel built in 1898 with the Wallachian Madonna by Ad. Liebschner, a cross from 1905 and a sculptural group of Cyril and Methodius by Albín Polášek are dominating here. The Radhošť Mount is a very busy place in all seasons. A pompous statue of Radegast – a Slavonic God of harvest and hospitality looms up by the Ridgeway. A sculptor Albín Polášek, a native of the town of Frenštát under Radhošť, created the statue being inspired by his beloved and respected native soil. Fir – beech woods of virgin forest character form a national natural reservation.
Velehrad is a significant place of pilgrimage of supranational importance, from time immemorial connected with the names of Cyril and Methodius. They came to Moravia in 863 and developed religious and cultural activity here. It was namely Cyril who translated liturgical books into the Slavonic language and created Slavonic script – Glagolitic. The Pope Jan Pavel II confirmed a significance of both brothers and proclaimed Saint Cyril and Methodius for the patrons of Europe. On April 22nd 1990 during his visit he planted memorable linden here.
The original name of Velihrad comes from the year of 1131. In years of 1205 – 1250 a church was being built here. The Roman – Gothic basilica was in its time the biggest church in the Czech countries. Simultaneously a construction of monastery was carried on – it was the first Cistercian monastery in Moravia founded by the Moravian Margrave Vlastislav Jindřich. In 1421 the church was burnt by Moravian Hussites. After the Thirty-Year-Long War a Cyril-Methodius tradition was restored and the Baroque rebuilt basilica was consecrated in 1735. In 1784 the monastery was abolished by the Emperor’s decree and the church became unimportant minster. In the second half of the 19th century the basilica was slightly repaired to its Baroque look. In 1950 the male religious orders were liquidated and in 1953 an asylum for desperate disabled was established. In 1990 the Jesuits returned to the monastery.
Tesák is a very pleasant resort. Moreover, it is also a natural reservation of old fir-beech forest with dominating fir and scattered ash tree. You can find also war memorials here. In winter the terrain of Tesák can be appreciated mostly by skiers.
The resort of Troják is except being a comfortable stay also of valuable historical significance. You can find here Kotáry at Pučků – a seat of partisan brigade "Jan Žižka" and a renovated bunker.
Similarly Rajnochovice is not only a recreational area. In January 1945 great partisan battles took place here. And historical and cultural significance of these places goes far into the past. In the 19th century a production of typical pottery – so-called Rajnochovice pottery was flourishing here. In the 17th century iron tilt-hammer was prospering here. A Baroque church from the second quarter of the 18th century belongs to the attractive historical monuments of the village Rajnochovice.
DEŠNÁ RESORT is for its ideal location a paradise not only for tourism but also for cycling. You can comfortably ride on your bicycle along the cycling paths both in the Hostýnské Hills and in the Beskydy Mts. The terrain is not too difficult and will surely satisfy all cycling lovers. If you do not have your own bicycle with you the DEŠNÁ RESORT offers you the rent of mountainous bikes as well as the service and sale of cycling and hiking maps and guides.
You can visit a number of places interesting for tourists. Of the wide list we are offering at least a couple of guaranteed hints:
The area of Lešná involves not only the ZOO accessible in all seasons but also a romantic castle from the nineties of the 19th century with the geological, botanical and zoological exposition of the Zlín museum. The Zlín ZOO is a unique place, where the visitors can see animals of all continents in the natural bioparc with a free run. They live here in a successful imitation of their original habitat – birds in aviaries, which remind their homeland, mammals are exposed in natural expositions.
Lukov used to be one of the largest Moravian castles of the 13th century that was captured in the first half of the 17th century by rebellious Wallachians in order they might undertake raids from here. Soon after the Swedes pulled down ramparts and the castle remained only the centre of the estate. It was left in 1780 quite preserved. However, it was dismantled by the neighbouring inhabitants into the building material so that only a bridge over a moat and two rooms were preserved from the Early Gothic castle. Due to the Brontosaurus Movement and the Association of Castle Lukov Friends the object has been recently distinctly renovated. The forests around the castle are a natural reservation. Easterly of the castle the practice climbing rocks of Králky are situated. And you also can find here a Saint John monument with an alley of protected lindens.
The town of Luhačovice has been mentioned as a spa since the 18th century. However, its development started particularly at the end of the 19th century, when it became, apart from other things, the centre of meetings of the Czech and Slovaks in the resistance movement against the Austrian feudalism. 10 alkali – muriatic springs and one sulphurous rise here. The most known springs are Vincentka, Amandka, Aloiska and Ottovka. The spa specializes in curing diseases of air passages and stomach diseases. The remedial means are mostly drinking cures and inhalations. The spa buildings of the end of the 19th century were projected by the famous architect Dušan Jurkovič. During construction he used the elements of folk construction (the Jurkovič House, the House of Leoš Janáček). Before the Second World War the Společenský House and the bridge over the River Olšava were built. The spa colonnade comes from the fifties of the last century. The Baroque castle is from the year of 1738.
Saint Hostýn is a significant Marian place of pilgrimage in the Central Moravia in the Olomouc archdiocese in the Zlín region. The site of an ancient settlement comes from the 1st half of the 1st millennium BC, the Late Latenium oppidum from the 1st century BC. The Slavonic took over it in the 9th and 10th centuries. The Saint Hostýn has served as a place of pilgrimage since 1625. The Baroque church dates back to the first half of the 18th century it was reconstructed a couple of years later. The Stations of the Cross is another of the famous works of the architect Dušan Jurkovič, the mosaic was created by J. Köhler.
The village of Rusava came into being by the violent removal of Wallachians after the year of 1650. A priest D. Sloboda, who was a national awakener, was very active here. It was also a favourable village of painters Schwaiger, Ondrůšek, Kašpar and the writer František Táborský. Since 1941 a resistance movement group was acting here, in 1944 it became one of the centres of the I. partisan brigade "Jan Žižka". Nowadays the village of Rusava serves particularly as a resort, where you can find a public swimming pool heated by solar collectors, preserved houses of folk Wallachian architecture or the Hurban fountain.